BeYu Wellness is on a mission

to help you be YOU!

Meet Your Coach

benan yuceer


“My athletic background ignited the fire of my passion in a very early stage in my life.

Growing up, I was impressed to see what my physical body was capable of and obsessed with the feeling of mastering a new skill every time I picked a new sport. Through sports I adapted a growth mindset that allowed me to explore myself and my true potential.

Unconsciously, I chose to start my career in HR and the fire was fueled when I had the chance to coach people to unlock their potential for career purposes.

Then my health revealed to me the biggest universal sign. On April 3, 2020, my doctor diagnosed me for…”

Being your authentic self means..

..that you have clarity about what you want, how to get it and have the drive, confidence and vision to actually create the life you are meant to live.

It sounds great as an idea, but life happens. Sometimes we get lost, lack direction and motivation in our lives. When we don’t have a clear vision of our purpose, we float through life, and survive day to day. We may find ourselves trying to just cope with life in hopes that someday things will get better. 

What we do..

You know what you should do, however you might not know how to do it or how to apply it in a way that works for you. 

That is what BeYu Wellness is here for. Wellness is much more than having a nice figure. Wellness is a sum of your overall mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. If one aspect is out of balance, the others will not be in alignment. 

We are here to help you implement tiny but mighty habits that keep you on track towards your goals so you can live a better life as your authentic self. If we consider knowledge or “good advice” as dots, dots don’t have a value by themselves till they are connected. At BeYu Wellness we take clients’ unique Nutrition | Lifestyle | Mindset condition wherever they are and help them connect the dots specific to their needs and goals. We work on what they want to improve within the circumstances of their unique situation.

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be."

3 pillars of beyu wellness


We are what we eat

Nutrition is much more than being aware of what we put in our bodies. Nutrition is a process of us finding nourishment, in all areas of our life that nurture us.


Our careers are part of our nutrition because they allow us to do what we love and live our lives. Spirituality is nurturing us because it gives us meaning, purpose and connection to something greater than ourselves. Our relationships nurture us by giving us a sense of family and a deeper human connection. The way we move our bodies through physical activity also nurtures us because it relieves our stress and keeps us healthy.  


If one of these areas is misaligned, you won’t be as likely to eat well or exercise. Sometimes our need for love, power, or acknowledgement can drive us to “comfort eat” our pain away. The truth is that no matter how much you eat, you’ll never feel satisfied on a deeper level within yourself. 


In terms of your nutrition, we will be working on a nutrition plan that is specific to YOU. This will not be a diet, so you will not be told what to eat and what not to eat. We will start where you are and we will guide you through a process of improving the quality of the foods you eat while you learn to listen to and understand your body’s needs. This will lead you to gradually begin reducing inflammation while nourishing your body in a way that feels natural and comfortable. We will also look into your gut health and what you need to restore the internal balance that keeps you happy and healthy.


We are what we do

Do you find yourself spending more time on a screen than you’d like to? Technology brings a lot of benefits to our lives. However, since most of us have to use it on a daily basis, it can have negative effects on our posture, body, and our overall long term health.


Do you find yourself leaning forward to read the screen of your laptop for many hours a day? Do you ever get neck cramping or pain from prolonged hours of looking at your mobile phone or tablet? If so, then making adjustments to your lifestyle to incorporate corrective habits can save you a lot of pain, suffering and long term health problems that result from poor posture. 

“An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”. 

When you make simple changes to your posture, strengthen your physical body, start a healthy morning routine, implement better food choices and start to become more flexible, your physical and emotional health improves. Rather than the idea of trying to fix injuries and manage pain through medications, making small gradual changes to your lifestyle is an effective way to improve and even restore your physical, emotional and mental health. 

Our lifestyle programs are specifically designed to help you gradually implement healthy changes to your lifestyle. It will help you gradually  make healthier food and beverage choices, start an exercise routine that is right for you and improve your posture. Implementing preventative changes to your lifestyle will help you manage physical pain that comes from muscle strain and joint injuries from posture. 

We understand that change is not easy and doing new things that you are not used to can be difficult. This is why we help you make step-by-step gradual changes to your lifestyle, daily habits and diet that put you on a path to making healthy habits a natural part of your life. Our program is designed to make new health habits seem like they are on auto pilot because they also deal with the unconscious mind by bringing it into alignment with your conscious goals. 

We help you connect to your authentic self, explore your values and find the root causes of habits that you want to change so you can actually make sustainable changes lasting changes that will benefit your overall health.



We are what we think

Mindset is your general outlook, habits and approach to situations that arise in your life. Your mindset plays a huge part in how you overcome adversity, how you can or cannot perform under pressure and how you react to situations that arise in your life.


We all live with certain unconscious habits, belief systems and thought patterns. When you set a goal in your conscious mind, you may have every intention to accomplish it. However when you try to put things into practice, your unconscious mind might sabotage the process because it is not aligned with your conscious mind. When this happens, your goals do not get accomplished the way you hoped they would and you wonder why you keep getting in your own way. 

Changing your mindset is a process of uprooting old belief systems, analyzing your habits and understanding yourself in a way that empowers you to make changes to your unconscious mind. 

These programs are designed to help you shift your thought processes in your unconscious mind so they can be aligned to your conscious mind. When this happens you will be able to “get out of your own way” and actually accomplish your goals without all of the internal resistance that usually holds you back.  We will do this by looking into patterns and belief systems that are holding you back from your true potential. Instead of a standardized, one-size-fits-all approach that gets you stuck on a superficial level, we’ll identify the ROOT CAUSE that triggers your mental, emotional and physical discomforts. By addressing the root cause of these that trigger your emotions, we will be able to FREE you from negative emotions and create a space where you can transform your life for the better.

How many times have you set goals in January, but when Feb 1st comes, you realize that you are nowhere near accomplishing what you set out to do? Do you ever wonder why this happens? 

success stories

I did the 6-month program with Benan. As someone who can be too stubborn and prideful to ask for help, I was surprised at how deep and effective this program got me to my personal goals. I ended the program with clarity in not only my career path, but also personal areas of my life. I ended up knowing myself better, feeling healthier, and most importantly, more confident.
Thalia L.
HR Generalist
Benan always heard me out and never told me what to do but he guided me to look at the issue from another prospective, with different lenses, with a different mindset. His sessions were always beneficial and i learned a lot about me through his sessions. Some sessions were really deep and this allowed me to gain insight into why i did what I did and "the real reason" of things.
Jesus E.
Director, HR
When I approached Benan seeking his help, I was not in the state of mind that I wanted to be in and looking to learn coping mechanisms and explore an anti inflammatory diet. Benan made great food suggestion and offered ideas I had not contemplated. Today I feel I am where I wanted to be at mentally and health wise. I lost 21 lbs in the process which was great.
Andrew M.
Marketing Manager

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